Are you selecting the right stabilizers for your PVC polymer solutions?
🧪 Stabilisers are added to PVC to allow for its processing and to influence the required physical properties of the PVC end product.
🧪 However, the wide variety of PVC polymers is probably the single greatest factor which explains the large array of stabilisers on offer which confront producers.
⚙ This offers its own complexities that you, the producer, have to encounter.
🧪 These factors such as determining your process technology involved, technical requirements of PVC end product, regulatory requirements and cost all influence the choice of selecting the right stabiliser.
At PolyBlend we not only offer a wide range of specialist and innovative additives but we also understand the complexities the user may face in ensuring the right additive for the job is selected.
So, when you contact PolyBlend you might have an idea of what you need or you may be looking for world class technical advice, either way our focus is to really understand your product requirements so we can deliver the best advice possible.
🏭 Our many years of experience in providing the full 360 customer experience will help remove any uncertainty around what type of material you need, what quantity and any properties of the additive so you can have full confidence your choice will meet the highest standards in terms of efficiency, compliance, sustainability and quality of the end product.
So, why delay! Please contact me at to ensure that you get the right product with the right advice and ongoing technical support every time.
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Dip Moulding is a simple and frequently employed process used worldwide. It works by creating a ‘to-scale’ mould of the product before it is heated and dipped in a liquid PVC or Acrylic, known as plastisol. With this type of process, the speed of entry and dip time determines the shape and thickness of the final product.
PolyBlend Managing Director, Mark Stewart announces his official retirement date as Friday March 31st 2023.
Let me wish all of you – our customers, our suppliers, our staff and my network – a very Merry Christmas!
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