Changing the way businesses and people view waste takes vision and strategy.
At PolyBlend, our vision is simple – We wish to lead in business performance, innovation, reputation and improve our waste-management and sustainability programmes. Sustainability is right at the heart of our strategy as we evolve our role as a key supplier of polymer solutions within the circular economy.
What does ‘sustainability’ mean to you?
For us at Polyblend, sustainability means doing business the right way; environmentally, socially, and financially. It is fundamental to who we are and what we do. It touches every area of our business: from the way we design our products, develop their life cycle and run our manufacturing sites, to the way we work with our suppliers and engage with our customers and communities.
That’s why we take responsibility for the way we operate our sites and promote safe and ethical working practices to minimise the impact on the environment. We apply sustainable processes and practices within our business and the wider industry with learning from our employees, suppliers, customers and the local community.
What is the Long-term sustainability effect?
We apply long-term sustainability thinking to the design and development of the lifecycle of our products, services, and the wellbeing of our employees. We further act as a responsible manufacturer of high-performance sustainable products by working in partnership with suppliers, service partners, customers both internal and external in supporting both our waste management objectives and sustainability goals.
What are the sustainable benefits?
By working in partnership and communicating with our suppliers and customers, we are in a position to receive industry knowledge quickly and adapt this to market forces and changes including regulatory compliance requirements. This approach further develops or improves our processes to assure long-term sustainability.
At PolyBlend, we are forward-thinking so that we can become leaders when new trends appear, and be proactive to revise and review our plans regularly as well. We take an holistic approach to identify potential long-term trends and issues that can be central to our business’s strategic development.
Our aim is to fully integrate our sustainability strategies and cultures to take advantage of their benefits. All of our employees contribute to sustainability on a daily basis, and we are fully committed to leading waste reduction and surplus production and to further develop our recycling solutions which strengthen the UK circular economy.
Dip Moulding is a simple and frequently employed process used worldwide. It works by creating a ‘to-scale’ mould of the product before it is heated and dipped in a liquid PVC or Acrylic, known as plastisol. With this type of process, the speed of entry and dip time determines the shape and thickness of the final product.
PolyBlend Managing Director, Mark Stewart announces his official retirement date as Friday March 31st 2023.
Let me wish all of you – our customers, our suppliers, our staff and my network – a very Merry Christmas!
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