Plastisol is considered a thermoplastic liquid polymer. When it is heated to the correct temperature in an oven or through an oven bank, the components of plastisol fuse together to form a flexible, PVC solid that is quite durable.
Used in a wide array of settings, from hospitals to automotive plants, plastisol can be formulated to have many different useful properties.
So, why use plastisol over other alternatives? Have a read below!
Dip Moulding is a simple and frequently employed process used worldwide. It works by creating a ‘to-scale’ mould of the product before it is heated and dipped in a liquid PVC or Acrylic, known as plastisol. With this type of process, the speed of entry and dip time determines the shape and thickness of the final product.
PolyBlend Managing Director, Mark Stewart announces his official retirement date as Friday March 31st 2023.
Let me wish all of you – our customers, our suppliers, our staff and my network – a very Merry Christmas!
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