In order for a product or material to be truly described as sustainable it must be environmentally, economically and socially sustainable. These aspects have become known as the Three Pillars of Sustainability. Plastics make a positive contribution to all three pillars of sustainability. Plastics make an immense contribution to the environmental sustainability through their energy saving potential and intrinsic recyclability and […]
At Polyblend, we are proud to be certified to the International Standards Organisation (ISO) 14001? What does it mean? ISO 14001 is the environmental management of businesses. Accreditation certifies companies on the compliance of their activities that have an effect on the environment. Evidence of policy, environmental management system (EMS), procedures, process controls, documentation and objectives performance, […]
At PolyBlend, we want all of our operations to be as sustainable and environmentally friendly as we possibly can. That’s why we use a landfill avoidance process to ensure that all of our general waste produced is either recycled internally or externally. Any waste remaining goes to ‘waste-to-energy’ plants. These well-established waste streams ensure the […]
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