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Another pandemic will threaten human lives and could be “more contagious” and “more lethal” than the covid-19 one we are learning to live with!

That is the stark warning from one of the Oxford AstraZeneca Covid vaccine inventors. I don’t know if anyone watched the 44th prestigious Richard Dimbleby Lecture, The Vaccine versus the Virus on UK BBC TV yesterday evening, but it was delivered by Professor Dame Sarah Gilbert.

One of the greatest deliveries of speech I have ever heard. It was expertly orated with fascinating details into prior lack of funding, the journey, development, success as well has how communications by leaders could have been so much better to those who receive their news from non-mainstream media.

As well as reclassifying sectors like pregnant women within the vulnerable groups much earlier on the results of data assuring the safety of the vaccine, which is now used in over 170 countries.

However, it was fascinating to hear that she had already planned a research project into developing a vaccine against Covid-19 but could not obtain the funding. When questioned on what cost that funding would be, Dame Sarah Gilbert informed the audience that it would be one to a few million pounds! Astonishing when we put that into perspective with the cost of lives and global economy of the pandemic.

As a nation we need to risk assess, plan, and prepare for future pandemic incidents and continually invest in their research. As a country, we need to systematically look at this continual prevention as a defence like we do with our triumvirate armed forces. We as a nation have not been attacked for many years but we invest huge amounts and are always prepared against outside attack.

The scientific advances made in research against fighting deadly viruses “must not be lost” Professor Dame Sarah Gilbert said.

“We cannot allow a situation where we have gone through all we have gone through, and then find that the enormous economic losses we have sustained mean that there is still no funding for pandemic preparedness. This will not be the last time a virus threatens our lives and our livelihoods. The truth is, the next one could be worse. It could be more contagious, or more lethal, or both.” she added.

‘This pandemic is not done with us’ says Oxford jab creator – YouTube

At Polyblend, with our customers at the forefront of our mind, responding to changing consumer demand is of high importance to us, and with the plastics industry playing a large role in society, we set about developing an anti-viral range of plastisol’s early into the pandemic.

As the leading producer of liquid PVC solutions, widely known as plastisol’s, we knew it to be of grave importance to have a product on the market that is not only above industry standard but also utilising specific Biomaster antimicrobial technology. This technology uses bespoke additives to create products that have permanent inbuilt protection against microbes even showing effectiveness against antibiotic-resistant bacteria, such as MRSA & VRE.

Along with that PB Protect Antivirus plastisol has been tested by an independent test house demonstrating a reduction in SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, on their surfaces. When tested to ISO 21702:2019 we have seen a reduction in SARS-CoV-2 on the surface of over 94% after 24 hours when compared to a control.

In independent laboratory tests, PolyBlend’s PB-Protect Antimicrobial Plastisol has also shown to offer a reduction in bacterial growth of 99.94% when tested to ISO 22196.

Therefore, showing PB Protect coatings are an effective way of inhibiting microbial growth with antimicrobial protection which can be used in many different industries and areas.

As a global society, we are aware at how the recent pandemic has fundamentally changed the world as we know it, and hygiene is at the forefront of our minds now more than ever before. With health-conscious consumerism on the rise, it plays a large importance on maintaining positive hygiene in all areas of life, including the products in which they buy.

The pandemic is not going away anytime soon, it is a disease we need to live with and be protected against by various means including, vaccines, hygiene, protected environments, and products. As Dame Sarah added “As we have seen before, reduced protection against infection and mild disease does not necessarily mean reduced protection against severe disease and death’’.

If incorporating this technology into your plastic products is something is of interest to you, then please reach out to me for more information, either via LinkedIn or email

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