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What properties can be formulated into a PVC-coated polyester fabric product?

One material you will see a lot of at the 2022 FIFA World Cup, in Doha, Qatar will be PVC coated fabric.

Why plastics make an ideal material choice for transport systems.

Plastics have a number of inherent properties which make them an ideal material for modern transport systems.

Safeguard your health with floor coverings that protect.

Protected floors contribute a great deal to our overall health by curtailing the spread of viruses and keeping us safe.

How can antiviral products contribute towards sustainability?

The human race is fighting back against SARS-COV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19.
The same needs to happen with plastics waste as we are better informed than ever before.

Our aim is to find the right solution for you

Quality control and ‘right first time’ has always been a high priority for us. That is why we always specify formulation requirements around the end users concept or product.

COVID-19’s Impact on Quality: Where do we go from here?

When times get tough, quality is the last thing we can afford to sacrifice

Why is Antiviral & Antimicrobial Plastisol Important?

Although higher in price, it’s vital that the difference is made between standard Plastisol and PB-Protect Plastisol.

Operating within a highly regulated Industry.

Complying with well over 400 pieces of product regulations, Health, Safety & Environmental Legislation.

What you need to know about Antiviral & Antimicrobial plastisol

PB Protect coatings are an effective way of inhibiting microbial growth with antimicrobial protection which can be used in many different industries and areas.

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