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What do cost-savings programs have to do with Innovation & New Product Development?

As companies strive to respond to the current unstable market conditions, cost-savings and process efficiency programs have increasingly become an area of focus.

Changing the way we view waste takes vision and strategy

At PolyBlend, our vision is simple, sustainability is right at the heart of our strategy as we evolve our role as a key supplier of polymer solutions within the circular economy.

How do you design your products?

When it comes to creating your concept and design ideas is one thing but knowing what you want your end product to look and feel like, product design specifications are key.

Where you wouldn't even realise Plastisol is being used.

Over the years there has been a major increase in the need for Plastisol. Combined with PVC as being one of the most popular polymers in the world, plastisol is incredibly versatile in nature, being used extensively across a broad range of applications.

Why we are so worried about plastics?

Plastics are essential to everyday life but the way we use them is unsustainable. 

Everything you need to know about Geotextiles

By definition, Geotextiles are permeable fabrics, which mean they allow water or gas to pass through them with ease.

Colour and their influences on perception

There is a complex science behind colour perception and multiple factors that impact how we see it.

Are antimicrobial PVC coatings more eco-friendly?

Plastisol is one of the most widely used coatings – and for good reason! Not only does it boast impressive properties, it’s also an environmentally friendly option. Here’s why…

Plastisol’s market size is forecast growth.

Plastisol’s Market size is forecast to reach around $25 billion by 2025, after growing at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 6% during 2020-2025.

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